What is dragon boat racing?
Dragon boating is the fastest growing aquatic sport in the world and it began in China more than 2000 years ago. It originated from a superstitious belief that boat racing would ensure prosperous and bountiful crops. A dragon boat team consists of 20 paddlers, who sit two abreast. From the rear, there is a cox who steers the boat and in the front, a drummer who drums to keep the team in unison. Teams can be all men, all women, or mixed crews. The team of paddlers work together to move the boat from a standing start with the goal of reaching the finish line with the fastest time. In general, a race may consist between 4 and 6 boats.
There are 4 elements for a successful dragon boat team: Timing, strength, endurance, and teamwork. The fourth is the most important and likely the driving force that the sport has achieved such a high profile around the world.
Thanks to our friends at 22Dragons.com for publishing such a helpful video on YouTube for anyone to use!